NEW PRODUCT ALERT!! Are you tired of trying to launch and flopping? Are you ready to launch & don't know what to do? Do you need a plan? Well come on over here !!!
How do you get over $5997 in training, planning, workbooks, guides, and video tutorial for ONLY $297... Get the Deal of the Day TODAY, Save over 95% during this customer appreciation event, THE MILLION DOLLAR LAUNCH KIT . This kit has what you need. Kit includes :
7 Day Business Start Up Guide (Perfect if you don't have your paper work together)
Intensive 5 part Series, Including a 95+ Page workbook to walk you through a profitable social media model
Step by Step Technical Videos for building your opt in pages & email
Digital Branding 101 Workshop
Pricing Templates
30-45 Day Launch Plan
Day by Day Profit Chronicle Marketing Plan